The Shanti Alliance strives to foster a community of educators and students who are directly engaging with questions of equity in schools, and supports educators and students as they develop the capacity to be agents of change.



  • Provide safe spaces of inquiry, dialogue and reflection in which issues of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging can be raised, discussed and acted upon by educators and students.  

  • Raise awareness and build knowledge around DEIB within Hawaiʻiʻs historical, political, and  cultural context. 

  • Engage in reflective practices to build capacity for sustained DEIB work.

  • Equip educators and students with skills that promote equity, inclusion, and social justice in their schools through training, opportunities for dialogue at the individual and structural levels.

We foster a community of educators that:

  • Analyze and recognize structural and institutional inequities in schools. 

  • Share their expertise and experiences to collectively build capacities as DEIB practitioners.

  • Design and implement curriculum that addresses equity and social justice.

  • Guide and support their students’ DEIB work. 

  • Directly engage questions of equity with school leadership, colleagues, and students within their school community.

We provide training for students to:

  • Facilitate dialogue with their peers, mentors, and school leaders around questions of diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging and social justice.

  • Design and enact a school action plan.